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GET MORE TIME IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!! (Priceless)

Time Management ADHD

I Really Can Have More Time if I follow My Memory

Everyone always asks me, “How do you have time to do that?” Whether it’s reading, exercising, dancing, taking a class, working on a book, making things (I’m a DIY gal) etc. I have a full time job and a kiddo and I still get all the time I need to do the things I want to accomplish. I am also lucky to teach this to clients in Silicon Valley. So allow me to share with you…

  1. Start with the end in mind: Picture ‘DONE’ what does it look like to get your task, desired activity, work project, etc. DONE? How does it feel? In Executive Function Therapy we actually start backwards in terms of planning a task. When you start with DONE you get a sense of good feeling hormones in the brain. It can help motivate and plan more efficiently. You see the end result. Once it’s constructed it has been proven it’s easier to plan out the steps. Visualize the feeling and picture of accomplishment (even if it’s step one accomplished of many steps.)

  2. Things that are not critical or ‘on the back burner’ type projects need extra attention. So, TURN ON YOUR ATTENTION. Part of the DONE image is giving time and space to planning but first you need to pay attention and make it important enough.

  3. Use a visual system like hard paper calendar to plan out your steps. Give yourself extra time to plan  for the thing you are trying to accomplish for ‘safety net’ bookends meaning — padding of time just in case it takes longer or you get pulled in a different direction.

  4. Be explicit: write down all the steps you need to do to the task or activity. This is the ‘DO’ step.

  5. Estimate the time with extra time for each step.

  6. Scan for Threats: what will get in the way? Get rid of the ‘time robbers’ such as phones, texting/messaging, Instagram alerts, etc.

  7. Then write your “GET READY” list which helps to organize the task and steps.

  8. Tell bosses, family, friends: “I’m out for xxx period of time to do my…(activity or task.)

  9. Schedule it in! If you don’t schedule it in your calendars, it won’t happen. That means use the 3-alarm system (see previous blogs here.)

  10. Finally Revisit and Adjust your scheduling 48 and 24 hours ahead of time so you can make sure, no matter what the re-adjustments are, you still make time to complete the desired task or activity.

STAY TUNED: See next blog for understanding how the people with the least amount of time are the folks that need the most EXECUTIVE FUNCTION THERAPY and why.

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